wordpress com and wordpress org difference between

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com and org difference between 

In case you’re new to the space, you’re likely thinking about what the thing that matters is between .com versus .org.

WordPress.com is an in all cases “amass your-own-site” stage. It’s allowed to begin with, and you needn’t bother with any outside facilitating or outer area name. You should simply go to WordPress.com, pursue a record, and you’ll have the option to begin assembling your website or blog immediately.

WordPress.org is an open-source site programming – a working framework for your site or blog. This product doesn’t cost you anything without help from anyone else, yet you need to have a facilitating account (a web worker) to utilize it, which frequently accompanies a sticker price.

The internal operations of the two stages are fundamentally the same and consider generally a similar degree of customization.


WordPress.com vs WordPress.org in Detail


Here’s what we’re going to cover:


1. Cost Comparison




WordPress.com offers both free and premium plans:

The Free arrangement in fact is 100% free without any hidden obligations. As a feature of it, you can set up a site on WordPress.com’s subdomain (for example YOURSITE.wordpress.com), utilize something like 3 GB of plate space, and you must approve of WordPress.com’s own advertisements all through your site.

The exceptional plans go for $4 – $45 every month and accompany various highlights and advantages. Indeed, even the least expensive arrangement (called Personal) accompanies a free area name for one year.







The WordPress.org programming itself is 100% free.

In any case, on the off chance that you would like to make your webpage obvious to people in general, you’ll need to get web facilitating and an area name – and those accompany a sticker price.


WordPress.com vs WordPress.org in Practice:


Here’s the way the cost examination between WordPress.com versus WordPress.org happens practically speaking. This is the thing that it will generally cost to begin an essential site with a custom area name on one or the other stage:

WordPress.com Personal arrangement = $4/mo. = $48/year. This arrangement as of now accompanies a custom space name included.

WordPress.org + passage level facilitating from Bluehost = $2.95/mo. = $35.40/year. Nonetheless, you need to get it for a very long time forthright to get a cost as low as that. Purchasing for a more limited time will be more costly. This arrangement accompanies a custom area name included, as well.

One cost that you need to add to the two choices is the cost of space name reestablishment after the primary year. This is ordinarily in the scope of ~$15 yearly.


Conclusion: Which One is Cheaper?


  • On the off chance that you simply need to begin with a fundamental individual site, WordPress.com is less expensive
  • In some other situation, WordPress.org will be less expensive? more incentive for cash by and large, in light of everything


2. Setup Process




Getting started with WordPress.com is as simple as it can be. Just go to WordPress.com, and click on the Start your website button.


wordpress com and wordpress org difference between


WordPress.com will take you through the strides, individually, allowing you to arrange your new site in a simple to get a handle on your way. Simply enter your email, a name for your site, and pick a plan from a bunch of pre-made topics.

Following a few minutes, you will leave with a practical site or blog that you can begin utilizing immediately.




The arrangement with WordPress.org programming isn’t as direct.

For one thing, much of the time, you don’t really go to the WordPress.org site to start your experience with the stage. All things considered, you start by going to your web host of decision and joining there.

During the arrangement cycle at the host’s foundation, you’ll gain admittance to at least one strategy for introducing WordPress on your facilitating account.

In case you will utilize a facilitating stage, for example, HostGator (which we suggest), you’ll gain admittance to a single tick installer. For this situation, comparatively to WordPress.com, simply give a name to your site, round out two or three structures, and you have your site all set.


wordpress com and wordpress org difference between


Your experience may vary with different hosts. Some might give you a script installer tool called Softaculous, which does basically the same thing as Bluehost’s installer, only in a less user-friendly way.



wordpress com and wordpress org difference between


Conclusion: Which One is Easier to Set Up?


WordPress.com. The platform has been built to make the setup process as easy as possible.




3. Number of Themes


Themes are all-in-one-box design packages for your WordPress site. You can install them in a couple of clicks.




The number of subjects you’ll approach will rely upon the particular WordPress.com plan you pick:

  • the Free and Personal plans give you admittance to 150+ free topics
  • the Premium, Business, and eCommerce plans give you admittance to all the free subjects in addition to 200+ more excellent topics




To lay it out plainly, the quantity of free and premium subjects accessible for the WordPress.org programming goes in the large numbers.

To begin with, you can pick from 7,500+ free topics from the official catalog at WordPress.org. At that point, you additionally will introduce whatever another free subject that you find somewhere else on the web – there are a large number of those too.


wordpress com and wordpress org difference between


Lastly, you can choose from thousands more premium themes. For instance,  ThemeForest (the leading marketplace for WordPress themes), offers more than 11,000 themes.


Conclusion: Which One Has More Themes to Choose From?


WordPress.org. There are thousands upon thousands of themes available online.


4. Number of Plugins


Plugins are installable bundles that expand your WordPress site’s default include set.




It permits you to introduce modules just in case you’re on the Business or eCommerce plan, which goes for $25 and $45 per month, separately.

On these plans, you gain admittance to 50,000+ modules.




You can install new plugins on a WordPress.org site no matter where you host your site or how much you pay for that hosting.

Of course, you gain admittance to 50,000+ modules (similar ones you get with the Business or eCommerce plans at WordPress.com), yet you can introduce a great many other free just as premium modules from around the web.

wordpress com and wordpress org difference between


Conclusion: Which One Has More Plugins to Choose From?


WordPress.org. With no extra installment, you can browse a huge number of modules – both free and premium ones.


5. Customization Options


In the engine, both WordPress.com versus WordPress.org run similar programming – the local WordPress programming.

Nonetheless, the critical insight concerning WordPress.com is that it puts various different instruments, interfaces, and impediments on top.

Toward the day’s end, the customizations accessible for WordPress.com sites are a subset of what should be possible with sites running on the WordPress.org programming.

With WordPress.org, since it’s totally open-source, you can get into the bare essential of your website, change the topics, put in new subjects from the web, introduce and arrange modules, employ experts to custom-code on your webpage (if necessary), or work on composing custom code all alone.

Basically, with WordPress.com, you can just do what WordPress.com permits you to do. With WordPress.org, you can would whatever *you* like to do.


Conclusion: Which Has Better Customization Options?


WordPress.org. You’re not limited by anything.


6. Support/Help Available


  • There’s no support for the Free plan.
  • Email and live chat support are available from the Personal plan up (from $4 / month).





There’s no help from the authority WordPress.org channel itself. Where you can get uphold, nonetheless, is your WordPress web, facilitating supplier.

The most web has offer day in and day out help. In the event that you pick a host that thinks about WordPress, you will likewise gain admittance to gifted WordPress custom help groups.

Hosts that are known for their WordPress uphold:





Other Things to Consider:


Aside from the official help channels, you’ll additionally discover an abundance of counsel and instructional exercises on WordPress-related subjects all through the web. We have a small bunch of them accessible as well. That being stated, the majority of what you’ll discover will identify with the WordPress.org programming and not as a lot to the WordPress.com stage.


Conclusion: Which One Provides Better Help?


This we actually need to provide for WordPress.com – considering the way that there’s no official help from WordPress.org at everything except just from outsider hosts.


7. Backups and Security Options




With WordPress.com, you get essential security choices and reinforcements worked in right as it so happens.

You’re fundamentally depending on WordPress.com’s inside security and all the components that the organization worked around its administration. It’s pretty much a black box, yet there haven’t been any genuine penetrates or break-ins detailed at this point.

WordPress.com will likewise deal with refreshing the product running in the engine.




The WordPress.org programming itself is straightforward (everybody can see the source code), and it is worked with care to hold fast to the advanced security necessities and guidelines.

A clean WordPress introduction is now really secure and doesn’t make it excessively simple for programmers to break in. It will be all that could possibly be needed for an individual undertaking.

To additionally improve your site security (if it’s a business site we’re discussing, for instance), you can introduce an extra security module (like Wordfence or Sucuri).

Reinforcements are additionally something that you’ll have to deal with all alone – through a module. Once more, you have numerous choices to look over, (for example, Backup Guard or UpdraftPlus).

With regards to refreshes, you need to do them semi-physically. At whatever point there’s a product update accessible, you’ll see an update notice in your WordPress dashboard. You can introduce the update in a single tick.



Conclusion: Which One is Easier to Maintain?


WordPress.com. You just don’t need to do anything at all as far as upkeep. The equivalent goes for security and reinforcements.


8. Monetization Options




Free and Personal destinations can’t be adapted by any stretch of the imagination.

On the off chance that you need to bring in cash from your WordPress.com site, you’ll need in any event the Premium arrangement.




Likewise, on the Free arrangement, WordPress.com will even show their own promotions on your site, and you can’t debilitate them.





It very well may be adapted in any capacity you need. There are no impediments at all. Since WordPress.org is open-source programming, you can introduce/empower/add whatever technique for adaptation you wish.


Conclusion: Which is Best for Monetizing?


WordPress.org. You can do whatever you wish in terms of monetization when running WordPress.org software.


WordPress.com vs WordPress.org: SUMMARY


If you haven’t been keeping score, here’s the summary:

Category WordPress.com WordPress.org
Cost comparison ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Setup process ⭐⭐⭐
Number of themes ⭐⭐⭐
Number of plugins ⭐⭐⭐
Customization options ⭐⭐⭐
Support/help available ⭐⭐⭐
Backups and security options ⭐⭐⭐
Monetization options ⭐⭐⭐
OVERALL 15 stars 18 stars


As should be obvious, both WordPress.com and WordPress.org have their advantages and disadvantages, and there’s no reasonable champ. Everything relies upon what you anticipate from your site stage, what your spending plan is, and what kind of site you need to dispatch.


Here are some points that might help you decide:


  • On the off chance that you simply need to dispatch an individual venture, either for testing, sharing your contemplations, pastime site, and so on, do it on WordPress.com. You can begin for nothing, the arrangement is simple, and you don’t need to stress over any support whatsoever.
  • On the off chance that you need to dispatch a more genuine site – be it a business website, an undertaking webpage, a favorable to writing for a blog project – do it on WordPress.org programming. This is likewise your decision on the off chance that you need to adapt your site in any capacity, or in the event that you need to get a limitless number of conceivable customizations.


Click here to discover how to build your site on WordPress.org software all by yourself. It’s not hard at all.

If you need to migrate from WordPress.com to WordPress.org, read this guide.






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