How to Appear in Google Answer Boxes with Your WordPress Site

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Do you want your articles to appear in Google answer boxes? Answer boxes are Google’s push to answer questions directly on the search results page. In this article, we will explain how to appear in Google Answer Boxes for WordPress users.



What is a Google Answer Box?

Google Answer box is a component of Google’s Knowledge Graph. It is an algorithm that tries to answer user’s questions right on the search page.


A search term displaying Google Answer Box how-to-appear-in-google-answer-boxes-with-your-wordpress-site


It uses carousels, side boxes, lists, tables, and answer boxes to display the foremost relevant information at the highest. This information is gathered from various sources and therefore the algorithm decides which ends up should be displayed inside a solution box.

According to research conducted by Advanced Web Ranking, Answer boxes secure almost 32.3% CTR. This makes them immensely important for your WordPress SEO strategy.


How Google Displays Information in The Answer Box? How to Appear in Google Answer Boxes?

The purpose of Answer Boxes is to supply instant gratification to the users. This works particularly well when users are trying to find factual information like public figures, distances, conversion rates, scores, and similar information.

Instant answer in Google Search result using Knowledge Graph


In such cases, if users got the precise information they needed, then they will advance and look for something else. For any queries, it can just display a sidebox from the web’s most reliable knowledge sources like Wikipedia.

In a way, it’d sound like Google is trying to stay all the traffic for itself. However, not all users are trying to find information that Google’s knowledge graph can answer with accuracy.

If user’s keywords require an opinionated, well thought, or research-based answer, then Google relies on other web sources.


Google Answer box displaying other web sources


If you are among the top 10 results for a keyword, then you are already closer to appear in Google Answer Box.





How to Make Your Pages Appear in Google Answer Box?

Google Answer Box results change very often, and you’ll easily appear because the best answer by simply improving your content.

Let’s explore the variety of content optimization steps that you simply can fancy appearing within the answer box.

It also helps to incorporate your keywords within the sort of an issue followed by a brief answer.

After that, be happy to feature the maximum amount of detail in your answer as you would like.

Adding more information will allow you to use the keyword throughout the article, and you’ll even use an equivalent article to answer other questions your users may have about the same topic.


Optimize Your Page’s Meta Description

A meta description may be a brief description explaining what your page is about. It is added in the <head> section of your site’s HTML.

You can add meta descriptions for your articles by using the beat One SEO plugin.


Adding SEO meta description using All in One SEO


Make sure that your meta description includes your target keyword. It also must explain what questions or topics this particular page is going to be answering.

For example, our article about WordPress SEO tools and plugins uses this meta description:

“Are you trying to seek out the only WordPress SEO plugin and tools to boost your SEO? Check out our list of 9 best WordPress SEO Plugins and Tools.”

Here is how it appears within the answer box.


Meta description optimization effect on Google Answer Box


Utilize Lists, Tables, Table of Contents

Users love properly formatted content because it helps them quickly get the knowledge they have. That’s why websites like list25 are so popular. They publish informative content during a viral listicle format that’s easier to consume and share.

Google understands that and tends to spotlight the websites that use formatting to form content consumption easier for users.


Tables in Google Answer Box

This includes:

  • Pages that use tables to list items.
  • How-to articles that use step-by-step instructions.
  • Top lists that simply just list items.
  • Lengthy articles that utilize the table of contents
  • and more.

This does not mean that you must always use one of these formats to write your articles. However, if using formatting can help your users get to the information quickly, then use it.


Lists in Google Answer Box


Optimize Content with Data-Driven Decisions

Data is that the most vital thing you would like for an efficient content strategy. This is where Google Analytics comes in. It helps you understand your audience and plan accordingly.

You will need MonsterInsights to properly track user engagement in WordPress. It is the simplest Google Analytics plugin within the market, and it’ll assist you to learn where your users are coming from, and what they’re doing while they are on your site.

These stats provide you a transparent picture of what’s already performing on your website. You can then expand thereon and make informed decisions for better SEO.


Follow SEO Best Practices

Apart from answering the user questions, you also need to make sure that Google can find your page and understand it just as easily.

This means you still need to optimize your posts for SEO just like you would normally do.

  • Include your keywords in the SEO title, description, and keywords.
  • Add your focus keyword in content and sub-headings in your article.
  • Properly utilize categories and tags.
  • Make sure there is enough content to cover the topic.
  • Make internal linking a habit and link to your other posts and pages
  • Add title and alt tags to your images.


Are Google Answer Boxes Worth The Effort?

Yes, absolutely. As we mentioned earlier the click-through rate for leads to the solution box is much higher. Depending on the subject and your content, it could go as high as 51.2%.

However, we do not recommend you overthink it. The purpose of Answer Boxes is to assist users to find information quickly. If you specialize in answering questions through helpful and informative content, then search results will start picking it up.

Google’s search features are always changing. There are not any shortcuts that will assist you to win forever. Building your website as an authority / reliable source of useful information will assist you to win by the end of the day.

We hope this text helped you find out how to seem in Google Answer Boxes. You may also want to ascertain our list of the must-have WordPress plugins which will assist you to take your website to a subsequent level.

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