HostGator managed WordPress hosting review

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HostGator managed WordPress hosting review

One of the most recognizable web hosting companies, HostGator is best known for its speed, responsibility, and excellent support.

It provides flexible hosting & sphere registration options in the Indian request, with plans that are suitable for neophyte website owners, small businesses as well as big enterprises.

Featured below is a comprehensive HostGator managed WordPress hosting review that lists all the hosting packages, features, and services.



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HostGator managed WordPress hosting review

One of the most recognizable web hosting companies, HostGator is best known for its speed, trustability, and excellent support.

It provides flexible hosting & sphere enrollment options in the Indian request, with plans that are suitable for neophyte website possessors, small businesses as well as big enterprises.

Another perquisite of copping a web hosting from HostGator is the vacuity of HostGator coupon canons and thus, if you are on the lookout for web hosting for your business, also also’s a comprehensive HostGator India review that has listed down all the hosting packages, features, and services offered by HostGator.


1. HostGator managed WordPress hosting review

The web hosting request in the World is growing and as a result, the range of hosting providers in the World has come vast.

As a website proprietor, one of the most critical aspects that can determine the success of your blog or website is the selection of a good host. Still, opting for a web host that suits your business needs isn’t an easy task.

In such a script, how do you decide which host is right for your business?

What’s the base for which you can select the right web host? Does high uptime mean a good host? Or does a good web host mean it should have unlimited bandwidth and fragment space?

This HostGator hosting review will attack all these questions and further, and give you a detailed view of all effects associated with a good web hosting service.

Now, when it comes to decoration web hosting services in World, HostGator is considered one of the top names in the hosting assiduity.

HostGator has won multitudinous awards similar to the Stylish Host of the Time in 2012 and has hosted around 9 million sphere names, as per their sanctioned website.

Still, but are still doubtful as to its quality and trustability, reading this review will surely put your mind at ease If you want HostGator to host your website or a blog. This HostGator-Managed WordPress review gives you an in-depth view as to what services and benefits you would be getting if you subscribe up for HostGator.


As a premier web hosting company, HostGator excels in striking an optimal balance between fair pricing and high-end features.

It offers nearly measureless options of tools including advanced webmaster and comes with the rearmost cPanel software to help power their administration consoles.

Their24/7/365 client care installation is available through converse, phone, support ticket system, and they’ve a important & helpful online knowledge base. HostGator offers an array of hosting options some of which include;

  • Shared Hosting
  • Reseller Hosting
  • VPS Hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • Cloud Hosting
  • WordPress Hosting

Additionally, HostGator offers some of the best web hosting features to their clients such as;

  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Sub Domains, FTP Accounts, and Email Accounts
  • Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP
  • Unlimited Auto-responders, Mail Forwards, Email Aliases, 25 Mailing Lists
  • Unlimited MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin Access
  • Flexible and Easy to use Control Panel
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • One-click Installation for WordPress, Joomla, and other 75 open-source scripts
  • Programming Language: Fast CGI, PHP 5, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python etc.
  • Website Statistics: AWStats, Webalizer, Raw Log Manager, Referrer and Error Logs
  • 24/7/365 Support via Phone, Live Chat, and Ticket System.
  • 24/7/365 Server Monitoring
  • Weekly Automatic Off-Site Data Backups, SSL Certificates, SiteLock
  • 45 Day Money Back Guarantee

Their24/7/365 client care installation is available through converse, phone, support ticket system, and they’ve a important & helpful online knowledge base. HostGator offers an array of hosting options some of which include;



Web hosting is the most important aspect of any business, and therefore compromising their quality for the sake of price is a mistake that companies can’t go to commit. Knowing this, HostGator offers to host plans that aren’t only fair but also dependable, which will allow them to grow their business big over time.

HostGator web hosting plans are available at reasonable rates and they ensure optimal quality, furnishing the company with services worth their plutocrat. Listed below is a quick overview of the different web hosting plans offered by HostGator.

HostGator Shared Hosting Review

Shared hosting is the fairest web hosting on HostGator. It’s dependable and flexible and comes in 2 packages – Linux grounded Shared Hosting & Windows- grounded participated hosting It also provides all the necessary tools for easy operation of a website and is a good choice for small & medium-sized businesses.

Here is a quick overview of HostGator Shared Hosting plans.

Linux Shared Web Hosting Plans

hostgator Linux Shared Web Hosting Plans

Windows Shared Web Hosting Plans

Hostgator Windows Hosting Plans


HostGator is one of the most sought-after web hosts on the request moment when it comes to Reseller Hosting.

It offers fund-friendly Reseller Hosting plans that come in 2 packages – Linux Reseller Hosting and Windows Reseller Hosting and offers a plenitude of add-ons & features that make your task of starting your own web hosting business easier.

Check out the HostGator Reseller Hosting plans below.

Linux Reseller Hosting Plans

HostGator Linux Reseller Hosting Plans

Windows Reseller Hosting

Hostgator Windows Reseller Hosting Plans

Hostgator Windows Reseller Hosting Plans

Hostgator Windows Reseller Hosting Plans

Hostgator Windows Reseller Hosting Plans


The HostGator VPS Hosting plan covers a lot of features & coffers furnishing excellent value for your plutocrat. The plans are reasonable, the quality of client support first-rate, and the performance it provides top-notch. At present, HostGator provides 5 different VPS hosting plans with unlimited disciplines, unlimited dispatch accounts, 24 hrs client support, Free IP addresses, and more.

Take a look at the HostGator VPS Hosting plans below.

VPS Hosting Plans

Hostgator VPS Hosting Plans

Linux KVM VPS Hosting Plans

Linux KVM VPS Hosting Plans


HostGator Devoted Garçon is what you need if you’re running a large business. It provides optimal uptime, loftiest security & speed, exceptional support, and allows maximum customization.

You can choose either – Linux Devoted Garçon or Windows Devoted Garçon. Plus, Hostgator has come up with the new Managed Devoted Waiters that comprises tons of features that will help you grow your business.

Mentioned below are the HostGator Dedicated Server plans.

Linux Dedicated Server Plans

Hostgator Linux Dedicated Server Plans

Windows Dedicated Server

Hostgator Windows Dedicated Server Plan

Hostgator Windows Dedicated Server Plan

Hostgator Windows Dedicated Server Plan

Managed Dedicated Servers Plans

HostGator Managed Dedicated Servers Plans


With a guaranteed uptime of 100 and24/7/365 support help, the Hostgator Cloud Hosting comes with a wide collection of features and unlimited bandwidth & unlimited storehouse that will make your point super presto. It also provides a stoner-friendly dashboard, as well as a free SSL instrument, and the Pall hosting plans offered by Hostgator, are divided into 3 orders – Hatchling Pall, Baby Cloud, and Business Cloud.

HostGator Cloud Hosting Plans

Hostgator Cloud Hosting Plans


If you run a WordPress website also HostGator WordPress Hosting is a knitter- made for you. With this package, you can make your website incredibly presto and robust. You’re also assured of getting optimal uptime and quality support along with bettered website security.

Currently, HostGator offers only 2 WordPress hosting plans, namely, Shared WordPress Hosting and Cloud WordPress Hosting.

HostGator WordPress Hosting Plans

Hostgator WordPress Hosting Plans

This was the whole list of web hosting plans offered by HostGator. If you want to know how HostGator India hosting plans compare also then’s a comprehensive HostGator India review that you can check out.


  • Domain Name Registration
  • Sitelock Malware Protector
  • CodeGuard Cloud Backup
  • SSL Digital Certificates
  • Business Emails
  • HostGator India Affiliate Program



HostGator India offers high uptime and excellent response time along with decoration customer support, performance, and trustability.

It also provides you with the plenitude of add-ons and services that can help you to make your website with ease.

By being a part of this web hosting company, you will get some amazing benefits such as;

Quality web hosting plans at an affordable price
User-friendly cPanel Interface
Wide range of Payment Options
High-security protection features
45 days Money Back Guarantee
Excellent Customer Support
Availability of HostGator Coupon Codes

This HostGator web hosting review gives you a detailed account of all the services and benefits that you can avail of by choosing HostGator as your web hosting provider.

Also, since the search engine takes into account your site’s speed for ranking your website, it pays to have a fast host and HostGator is one the best web provider in terms of speed and performance.

If you still have a doubt whether or not you should pick HostGator, then fret not and check out these comparison reviews between HostGator vs GoDaddy and HostGator vs Bluehost to make a well-informed choice.

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