12 Most Profitable Blog Niches 2024

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It can be not easy to select the ideal niche for your new blog, particularly if you want to make money from it.

To help you get on track, let’s explore the most profitable blog niches for 2024!

I’ll also provide you with some excellent advice on selecting a blog niche.

Even though I’ve been blogging since 2013, I didn’t understand SEO until 2020. I leveraged my talents to increase the traffic to my site and make it prominent in Google, eventually replacing the revenue from my London-based tech job.

Thanks to the power of SEO, I am now able to live abroad full-time thanks to my blogs.

Most Profitable Blog Niches

The Most Profitable Blog Niches in 2024 (And How to Choose One)

Numerous urban legends surround blogging. such as the one that claims you may succeed financially by ‘following your passion’. Also known as “just write it and they will come.”

But in 2024, those are ineffective. The world of blogging has become quite cutthroat. You must pick a lucrative niche to create a blog that makes money without wasting your time. (This goes for any form of digital creation, but we’ll focus primarily on blogging here).

One of the most typical errors beginning bloggers makes is picking the wrong niche. Let’s ensure that you choose the appropriate choice.

1. Personal Finance

Numerous urban legends surround blogging. such as the one that claims you may succeed financially by ‘following your passion’. Also known as “just write it and they will come.”

But in 2024, those are ineffective. The world of blogging has become quite cutthroat. You must pick a lucrative niche to create a blog that makes money without wasting your time. (This goes for any form of digital creation, but we’ll focus primarily on blogging here).

One of the most typical errors beginning bloggers make is picking the wrong niche. Let’s ensure that you choose the appropriate choice.

Subniche ideas:

  • Tax (International or domestic)
  • Budgeting
  • Managing debt
  • Credit cards
  • Understanding the stock market
  • Cryptocurrency/NFTs
  • Real estate investing
  • Investing in gold/silver
  • Investing in commodities
  • Geoarbitrage
  • Mortgage advice
  • FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early)

Combining one of these with a particular target market, like “tax advice for digital nomads” or “investing in gold for stay-at-home moms” – and you might be onto a winner.

The finance niche


  • Highly lucrative affiliate programs
  • Potential for high earnings via display ads


  • Extremely competitive
  • YMYL niche – you’ll need appropriate expertise/credentials/background

2. Health, Fitness and Well-Being

We all worry about our health occasionally, making it another important area with challenging difficulties to resolve.

People are always looking for information about different illnesses and the best ways to live a longer, better, and more active life.

As a result, one of the most lucrative blogging themes is health. It works particularly well for affiliate marketing and the sale of coaching programs.

But there is a significant drawback. Google has cracked down severely on blogs that post health-related content due to the surge in medical misinformation, phony health products, and frauds.

The “YMYL” (your money, your life) algorithm update was announced by Google in 2019.

In a nutshell, YMYL states that blogs discussing money or life themes (such as health and finance) must have the necessary knowledge. Without it, your chances of being ranked on Google are slim.

Health can be one of the most lucrative blog themes if you have the necessary background, expertise, and credentials, such as those of a nurse, doctor, nutritionist, fitness coach, psychologist, etc.

But if you don’t, I’d advise searching somewhere else for your ideal blogging niche.

Subniche ideas:

  • HIIT (high-intensity interval training)
  • Running for beginners (‘Couch to 5K’)
  • Strength training for women
  • Pilates
  • Healthy Eating for busy mothers

health and fitness niche



  • Great potential for selling coaching services and programs lucrative
  • and varied range of affiliate programs
  • Potential for high earnings via display ads
  • Potential to spin off onto other channels, like YouTube, Instagram or even building a coaching app


  • Again, this extremely competitive
  • YMYL niche – you’ll need appropriate expertise/credentials/background

3. Dating and Relationships

Another area of life where people frequently struggle is in their relationships.

It’s one of the major three, in actuality. That makes dating and relationships a perfect topic for creating a successful blog, similar to how health and finance are.

The global online dating market was predicted by Statista to reach 2.86 billion USD in 2022, and it is a booming one with no signs of slowing down.

Subniche ideas:

  • Marriage guidance and counseling
  • Dating advice for men (from a woman’s perspective)
  • Dating advice for specific groups, e.g. Muslims, Christians, over-60s, nerds, etc
  • Navigating divorce
  • Building a healthy relationship

The dating and relationships niche



  • Dating/relationships will never go out of style – they’re one of the core human needs (plus, people have a lot of insecurity around it and are constantly Googling related terms)
  • Potential for easy affiliate income through referrals to dating sites and relationship guidance courses


  • Can be tricky to find high-paying affiliates (as many dating sites let people join for free)

4. Food and Drink

People all around the world are constantly looking for novel methods to prepare and eat food and beverages.

Food and drink have so emerged as one of the most lucrative blog themes. It’s a crowded niche, but with careful keyword research, you might still be able to uncover a lucrative sub-niche.

Prepare to expand your Instagram or Pinterest presence in addition to your blog because food and drink-related content frequently perform well on social media.

It might also be a good fit for a YouTube channel that shows viewers how to make various dishes (see this comparison between blogging and YouTube).

Subniche ideas:

  • Specialty coffee (beans and brewing equipment)
  • Craft beer and home brewing
  • Grilling and BBQ
  • Different world cuisines (such as Chinese, Mexican, Thai, or Vietnamese)
  • How to eat more healthily / eat to lose weight, gain muscle, etc (also overlaps with the health niche)
  • How to prep for specific diets, such as keto, paleo, Atkins diet, Mediterranean, carnivore, raw food diet, etc)

The food and drink niche



  • Great potential for sponsored posts and display ads (e.g. with Ezoic or Mediavine)
  • Wide range of affiliates (e.g. for food prep products, ingredients, organic delivery boxes)
  • Potential to spin off onto other channels, like YouTube, Instagram, or Pinterest
  • Easy to sell information products, such as e-books or video courses (would work best in more specialist sub-niches, as opposed to simple recipes which can be found all over Google and YouTube)


  • Highly competitive
  • You need to be creative to find your perfect sub-niche

5. Education

Global acceptance of online education saw a significant shift as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.

For instance, 20 million new students signed up for Coursera, a well-known online learning platform, in 2021.

The education sector offers a lot of scope and flexibility. You’ll undoubtedly find a position in the large education niche, whether you wish to educate people about your area of expertise, teach English online, or teach another language online.

Subniche ideas:

  • ESL (English as a second language) training and guidance
  • Resources for ESL teachers (or other kinds of teachers)
  • Helping students get through their college exams
  • Advice on common college topics such as science, maths, history, or geography
  • Advice for PhD students (e.g. how to write a thesis, design a research project, or handle PhD stress)
  • Helping students find and enroll in Masters programs overseas (for example, in Europe)

The education niche



  • Lots of potentials to create your digital educational products
  • Multiple income streams are available, especially online teaching
  • Lucrative affiliate income opportunities are available
  • Online education is one of the world’s fastest-growing areas


  • You might need a degree or other relevant qualifications to teach certain subjects

6. Travel

Global acceptance of online education saw a significant shift as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.

For instance, 20 million new students signed up for Coursera, a well-known online learning platform, in 2021.

The education sector offers a lot of scope and flexibility. You’ll undoubtedly find a position in the large education niche, whether you wish to educate people about your area of expertise, teach English online, or teach another language online.

The COVID-19 epidemic harmed travel. The revenue of many travel bloggers drastically decreased. You should be conscious of the volatility of travel as a niche notwithstanding the likelihood that nothing of that size will ever happen again.

You might lose all of your money overnight, for instance, if your site only covers one nation and that nation experiences a political uprising and begins to close its borders to foreigners.

Subniche ideas:

  • Blogs focusing on one particular country or region (especially if you have firsthand experience of it)
  • Slow travel
  • Digital nomad lifestyle
  • Adventure travel
  • Luxury travel
  • Solo travel
  • Art hotel reviews
  • Glamping
  • Moving abroad advice and resources

Be ready to employ your creativity at all times. There’s always the option to blend various sub-niches in creative and engaging ways. Before beginning, make sure you conduct adequate keyword research to determine the topic’s potential for profit.

The travel niche



  • Potential to become a destination specialist if you live in an interesting location
  • Tons of affiliate potential with lucrative programs (e.g. travel insurance, travel credit cards, airline, hotel and guided tour affiliate programs, travel gear)
  • Travel also does pretty well with display ads
  • Good potential for branching out to YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest


  • Highly competitive and may feel oversaturated – need to be creative to stand out!
  • Income can fluctuate on a seasonal basis (more people travel in the summer months)
  • Risk of catastrophic events (such as the pandemic) damaging the industry, and hence your traffic!

7. Home Improvement and DIY

The popularity of DIY has grown recently. Many individuals who were confined to their houses during the pandemic have developed new interests in DIY and home repair. As a result, one of the most lucrative blog themes is DIY.

Even better, a combination of instructional manuals and affiliate marketing schemes works well for the DIY sector. There is much to learn and plenty to sell.

How-to instructions tie in nicely with the sale of DIY affiliate items because there is less of a need to persuade customers to buy. They urgently require the appropriate items since they have a DIY project to complete!

This market might be right for you if you enjoy DIY.

Subniche ideas:

  • Restoring old furniture
  • Building your swimming pool
  • Landscape gardening at home
  • Carpentry

The DIY niche



  • DIY has become a lot more popular since the pandemic
  • People involved in DIY are often at a stage when they’re ready to buy (great for affiliates!)
  • Some of the most profitable affiliate programs are in this niche
  • If you love DIY, blogging about it can help you learn new things and discover new products


  • Works best if you enjoy DIY yourself
  • Display ad rates can be relatively low

8. Parenting

Parenting has always been a well-liked market for monetization, and this is true online as well.

To help them navigate one of life’s biggest transitions, new parents will always need expert resources. Because of this, so-called “mommy blogs” continue to be widely read.

One of the most lucrative blog themes out there is parenting, because of its popularity and wide range of topics. Parents will always be in demand since humans will exist for as long as there are people.

Subniche ideas:

  • Natural birth
  • Pregnancy for first timers
  • Maternity fashion
  • How to move abroad / travel with your kids
  • Homeschooling advice (also overlaps with the education niche)
  • Advice on handling difficult teenagers
  • Remote work opportunities for stay-at-home parents

The parenting niche



  • Wide range of sub-niches available
  • Parenting will never go out of style
  • Children create major pain points – parents willing to spend big money to fix them
  • Great potential for both ads and affiliates, plus selling information products


  • Works best if you’re actually a parent yourself – that gives you the authority and expertise needed to rank (Plus the motivation to keep writing long enough to see results!)

9. Marketing and Online Business

Digital marketing and internet businesses, such as e-commerce, side projects, and blogging, are all a part of this lucrative industry.

Even if this market is cutthroat, you can still discover fascinating gaps where you can establish a blogging presence because of the market’s diversity and ongoing flood of new products.

The abundance of software affiliate programs in the digital marketing niche, many of which have large commission potential, is a significant benefit. Making informational products to teach people about various facets of online marketing also has a lot of promise.

Digital marketing lends itself well to combining instructional how-to guides with affiliate product review posts – which is a dynamite combination for profitable blogging.

Subniche ideas:

  • Email marketing
  • Building a side hustle
  • Drop shipping (e.g. teaching people how to do it)
  • Writing online / blogging
  • Copywriting for beginners/lawyers/real estate agents/accountants, etc, etc
  • SEO
  • Accounting for online businesses
  • Mastering YouTube/LinkedIn/Instagram/TikTok etc
  • Video editing
  • Personal branding
  • Selling Notion templates and teaching people how to create their own

The marketing niche



  • Lots of SaaS tools with high affiliate commissions!
  • Also good scope for creating your own products to teach various aspects of digital marketing
  • Easy to expand into other platforms, particularly YouTube


  • Loads of subtopics to choose from, so it’s easy to get overwhelmed
  • Highly competitive, so make sure to niche down and find your unique angle

10. Science and Technology

This is a fascinating market with lots of opportunities to meet demand in the future.

You may write on anything, from cutting-edge developments in science to consumer electronics. Nevertheless, regardless of your decision, you should constantly keep the prospective monetization tactics in mind.

If a science-related specialty is relatively new, there may not be much room for income via standard channels like affiliate marketing or adverts. Before entering any potential sub-niches, do thorough research.

You may need to think outside the box, for example, by offering scientific studies or white papers for sale or by developing your own info products that make the most recent scientific advancements understandable to the general public.

Consumer electronics is a much easier, albeit more competitive, market with clear possibilities for affiliate revenue generation. Affiliates who sell consumer electronics frequently make money through the Amazon Affiliate program, however in recent years, the program’s commission rates have been declining.

Subniche ideas:

  • Cameras and webcams
  • Drones
  • Artificial intelligence tools
  • Blockchain
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Robotics
  • Biotech
  • New trends in science (e.g. gene editing)
  • Cybersecurity

The science and technology niche



  • Good potential for exciting developments in the future – get a foothold early and establish your blog as an expert voice
  • Potential for lucrative referral partnerships
  • Potential for affiliate income if you’re selling consumer technology, like cameras or laptops


  • Some areas may not be involved in affiliate programs yet. You may have to get creative and develop your own referral partnerships with relevant businesses
  • Many electronic goods are sold via Amazon, which pays low commissions these days

11. Outdoor Lifestyle

People are spending more time outdoors and at home as a result of the pandemic, and this niche market for outdoor lifestyle products is expanding quickly.

A survivalist lifestyle is also becoming more popular, which can lead to some intriguing niche ideas. Although your traffic may be seasonal for some topics (for instance, many only go camping in the summer months), the outdoor lifestyle niche is often evergreen.

Subniche ideas:

  • Camping advice and gear
  • Mountaineering equipment
  • Survival tips and resources
  • Cooking in the wild
  • Hiking boots and gear
  • Homesteading
  • Growing vegetables

Any of these might be made profitable by combining how-to articles with review postings. You may also use other platforms to complement your blog, such as making YouTube videos of how-to articles.

If you enjoy taking pictures outside, this market has a lot of possibilities for you to include original photos with your blog entries or start an Instagram account.

The outdoor lifestyle niche



  • Wide range of potential topics to cover
  • Tends to be an evergreen niche
  • Increased interest in outdoor lifestyle in the wake of the pandemic
  • Plenty of opportunities for monetization, including creating your own information products


  • Some of the sub-niches can be seasonal (e.g. camping)

12. Video Gaming

Blogging video games is a fantastic way to earn money while pursuing your passion or interest. Additionally, players of particular video games frequently immerse themselves in the game’s universe, which has a significant impact on the likelihood that users will return to your website.

But because there are so many different video games, it’s important to focus on a narrow area. If your site covers several facets of many video games, systems, etc., you may have trouble ranking on Google.

Additionally, blogging on a very specific topic is essential for developing a following for your blog, which is crucial for success in the video games niche.

Subniche ideas:

  • Action games
  • First-person shooters
  • Retro gaming, e.g. arcade games
  • MMORPGs, e.g. World of Warcraft
  • Portable gaming, e.g. GameBoy
  • Gaming for specific systems, N64, Playstation, Wii.

The video gaming niche



  • Good potential for monetizing through affiliate programs, e.g. for games, gaming platforms, and related equipment
  • Passionate fanbases lead to lots of return visitors if you niche down
  • Perfect if you enjoy gaming as a personal hobby


  • Very low CPC (cost per click) for display ads
  • Highly competitive so you’ll need to niche down mega hard

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YMYL, E-E-A-T, and their importance when choosing a niche

Several standards for high-quality content are included in Google’s intricate ranking algorithms. One known as “your money or your life” (YMYL) covers financial websites. This category also includes information on health.

In markets regarded as YMYL, high-quality content is essential. Content that is inaccurate or misleading could seriously hurt users. Their lives and livelihoods might potentially be at risk.

Google takes a serious effort to rank YMYL material because it wants to prevent that. The criteria for ranking that content in search results are substantially tighter. This is a smart step from Google in a world where bogus news, spammers, and con artists are rampant.

Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness are all letters that stand for E-E-A-T. Google will carefully analyze a website’s E-E-A-T before deciding how to rank it if it contains YMYL content. Let’s quickly review the criteria used to evaluate E-E-A-T.

1. Experience. Can the primary author show genuine, practical experience in the subject matter? Does the article make this point clear?

2. Expertise. This pertains to the principal author, who is probably you. Can they be regarded as authorities in their field? Does the website make clear reference to these qualifications or credentials? You usually need to deal with a writer who has the necessary credentials if your niche is in the financial, legal, or medical fields.

3. Authoritativeness. Your perceived authority level is indicated by this. Are you and your work known in the industry? Do people believe what you say?

4. Trustworthiness. The author, the content, and the website itself are all considered in the final ranking criteria. It assesses whether visitors can rely on you and the website to deliver accurate, dependable content.

Simply said, avoid entering the health or finance niches unless you have prior knowledge of those fields.

You might also take into account employing a primary author with experience in such fields, such as a former registered nurse who is now a content writer for a health site. However, this would add extra costs in the beginning, therefore I wouldn’t advise it for a new blogger.

The Best Way To Choose a Profitable Blog Niche

Simply said, avoid entering the health or finance niches unless you have prior knowledge of those fields.

You might also take into account employing a primary author with experience in such fields, such as a former registered nurse who is now a content writer for a health site. However, this would add extra costs in the beginning, therefore I wouldn’t advise it for a new blogger.

You are more likely to stay motivated to complete the task at hand if the subject of your writing is one that you are personally interested in. Pick a niche that will motivate you to get up in the morning and write while also being lucrative.

Sitting down with a pen and paper and simply brainstorming every potential blog topic is one highly successful strategy. Don’t be reluctant!

Consider your passions, hobbies, professional background, educational background, volunteer activities, and any other life experiences or accomplishments that you might be able to draw upon.

Additionally, consider the issues you have resolved for yourself or others. There’s a good chance that you may locate a market online that would be eager to learn how to accomplish a comparable transition.

You can have transformed from being overweight to a marathon runner, for instance, or you might have quit your uninteresting office job to explore the world.

Perhaps you have taught yourself how to produce veggies inside or how to prepare delectable meals on a shoestring budget. Any of these might serve as the foundation for a blogging niche.

Consider the most lucrative blog niches that we looked at above, and see if you can identify any areas where they intersect. You might even start a site with reviews and how-to articles about the top blogging tools.

Once you’ve selected a few niches that appeal to you, do some web research on them to find out who else is blogging about related subjects and how they’re generating money.

A good selection of affiliate programs, advertising potential, and the ability to sell information items are all characteristics of the ideal niche.

It’s a positive sign if other people are already implementing these ideas. You can fit here as well.

Before you go…

The most lucrative blogging markets are frequently the most fiercely contested. But you can still identify underserved sub-niches within them with some careful consideration and strategic keyword research.

As you establish your “brand of you,” you may also use your personal experiences to approach one of these most lucrative blog categories from a fresh perspective.

Feeling inspired and ready to get started? Check out my full guide on how to start a blog in easy steps.

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