Revealed: Why Building an Email List is so Important Today (6 Reasons)

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Are you considering making an billet-doux list, but have some misgivings about why it’s demanded? Multiple bloggers and business possessors do n’t realize the magnitude of making an billet-doux list when they ’re first starting out.

Notwithstanding outside people normally change their mind when they see the impact billet-doux lists can have on someone else’s commerce and proceeds.

In this article, we will share the top reasons (with real case studies). We will also show you how to start building your email list – step by step.


In this beginner’s guide, we will cover the following topics:

  • What is an email list?
  • Social media vs email marketing
  • What marketing experts are saying about email marketing
  • What do you need to start building an email list
  • How to choose the best email marketing service
  • How to grow your email list and get more subscribers
  • Finding new list building strategies and resources

By the end of this article, you should have answers to all your questions about building an email list.

What is an Email List? Why Building an Email List?

An billet-doux list is a special list of names and billet-doux addresses of people who gave you consent to ship them updates and elevations from your business.

You can fabricate your billet-doux list inside an billet-doux marketing software and ship bulk billet-doux announcements to everyone regarding your blog updates, online store, or other business services.

Why Building an Email List
Why Building an Email List




Why Building an Email List is Important?

According to the Direct Marketing Association, card marketing on average sees a 4300 percent return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the USA.

Because card subscribers joined your card list from your website and attested their identity by clicking on a link (double- choose-in), they’re extremely interested in what you have to offer. This is why they’re more likely to convert into paying accounts.

In our business, a card list gets 10 times advanced changeovers than social media bandwagons.
This makes sense if you allow about the reasons that make the card an incredibly heavy communication channel:


1. Email is Personal

Email allows you to land into a user’s inbox. There is no ranking system limiting your reach. It is very direct and personal.

2. Email is Purposeful

To get updates from you, a druggie fills out a form to signup for your letter list and confirm their letter address.
Someone doing this monumental work is obviously interested in hearing from you, and they’re much more open-minded to your dispatch.

3. Email is Targeted

As we mentioned anteriorly, the stoner has before shown interest in your product or .

Since you before know what they like, you can deliver them considerably relative offers to get better results. This is called segmentation, and we will cover that thereafter in the theme.

3. Email is Targeted

As we mentioned anteriorly, the druggie has before shown interest in your product or .

Since you before know what they like, you can deliver them considerably material offers to get better results. This is called segmentation, and we will cover that thereafter in the paper.

4. You Own Your Email List

You don’t have Facebook, Twitter, or Google. Your social media crusades and SEO pains can go to waste when these platforms change their methodologies.

On the other hand, you have your billet-doux list, and it isn’t reached by the determinations of other businesses.

5. Email is One-on-One

People read emails in the secludedness of their inboxes.

The communication isn’t on a public timeline or newsfeed.

They can ask you questions directly in private with confidence. This helps erect trust and connection.

6. More People Use Email Several Times a Day

You may have heard that Facebook has1.4 billion and Twitter has 100 million diurnal active fiends. What you have may not have heard, is the number of people using Report every day.

Every internet doper has at least one report account. Recent inquisition conducted by Radicati introduce out that there are3.8 billion active report accounts. That’s half the population of Earth.

This is precisely why every smart business in the world has a report list.

Big-name brands learned this reading a long time ago, and that’s why they spend thousands of bones on social media drives to get people to link up for their billet-doux lists.

They understand that missive marketing is the dégagé long-term investment with a much progressive return because people will continue to get their dispatch at a really low cost for a longer period of time.

Why Building an Email List
Why Building an Email List


Social Media vs Email Marketing

Now you’re probably allowing, await a beat. What about social media?

In fact, we’ve been asked several times isn’t airmail marketing kind of dead with social media taking over everything?

The Sunday way to answer this question is to look at the information Twitter and Facebook ask you before you beget an account:

Why Building an Email List
Why Building an Email List


Yup, it’s an email address.

These companies know that emails are the foremost direct and reliable way of getting into touch with their customers.

Even if you check in using your telephone number , they’re going to keep posing for your email address to assist you discover friends, for password recovery options, and most significantly to send you targeted email messages.

Here may be a view of the social tab during a typical Gmail user’s inbox.

Why Building an Email List
Why Building an Email List



All these emails are from big social media platforms, so as that they will engage you with the content on their platform and acquire you to travel to their app or website again.

All social media platforms are building an email list because they’re smart business owners. This helps their valuation when selling their business.

While social media could also be an honest thanks to achieve your audience, it’s important to remain in perspective the timely nature of social media platforms.

They come and go.

Not too way back we had MySpace, FriendFeed, Google Buzz, Plurk and countless others. Most of them are either dead now or irrelevant.

Today we’ve Facebook and Twitter that are prominent, but not everyone enjoys these platform. Some people prefer Instagram, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc.

Basically your users are everywhere the place on different platforms. But studies show that a minimum of 91% of consumers check their email on each day to day.

We aren’t saying that social media isn’t important. It is, and you need to explore every opportunity to achieve your audience.

However, you need to spend longer and energy into something that guarantees higher results.

Why Building an Email List
Why Building an Email List


What Experts are Saying About Building an Email List?

Don’t take just our word for it, listen to what all top marketing experts are saying about email marketing:


Out of all the channels I tested as a marketer, email continually outperforms most of them.

– Neil Patel – Crazy Egg and QuickSprout

Getting an email address is the first critical step to figuring out who my reader is, and hopefully in the future, my customer of some sort.

– Joe Pulizzi – Founder Content Marketing Institute

If you’re not building an email list, you’re making a HUGE mistake.

– Derek Halpern – Founder Social Triggers

Email is the most predictable driver of growth and sales in our business. I prefer email marketing over all other traffic channels.

– Syed Balkhi – Founder WPBeginner

Many expert marketers say their biggest mistake wasn’t building an email list once they first began .
With all the reasons above, we hope that you’re convinced that building an email list is significant for all businesses.

Now you’d possibly be wondering, how do I build an email list?

This brings us to the subsequent section.

Why Building an Email List
Why Building an Email List

What You Need to Start Building an Email List?

By now, you recognize why building an email list is so important, and why ignoring it are often an enormous mistake.

So let’s take a glance at what you would like to start out building your email list.

Why Building an Email List
Why Building an Email List

3 Things You Need to Build an Email List:

  1. A website or blog.
  2. An email marketing service.
  3. High-converting opt-in forms

All three of those are fairly easy to line up, and none of them require programming or design skills.
For the sake of this text , we’ll only be that specialize in the last two items within the list.

If you don’t have an internet site or blog yet, then see our step-by-step guide the how to start a blog or the how to make a website.

Why Building an Email List
Why Building an Email List

Choosing the Best Email Marketing Service

There are plenty of email marketing services out there. Often beginners use the free choice to save cost, which is understandable. However, a number of these free platforms aren’t the simplest. Why?

Some platforms mislabel themselves as an “email marketing service” when actually all they provide may be a free blog subscription via email. this enables your users to receive an email update whenever you publish a replacement blog post.

But that’s not true email marketing. Here are some of the downsides of using a free blog notification service:

  • You can’t send out private email newsletters. To send an email, you will have to publish a new blog post, which means that the information you want to share will have to be publicly available first.
  • You can’t personalize the email message. It will be delivered in the same format often with no branding or personalization.
  • You can’t categorize subscribers by interests, demographics, or content type.
  • There is no reporting. You don’t know how many people got the email, what percentage of users opened it, and how many of them clicked on your links.
  • If you later tried to move to a paid service, your users will have to re-confirm their subscription. Many of them will not do it, and you will end up losing subscribers.


This is why we ALWAYS recommend using a professional email marketing service right from the beginning.

Yes, they cost a little bit of money, but they are an investment in your business which pays huge returns.

The benefit of professional email marketing services are:

  • You can send private mass emails to your subscribers.
  • You can see subscriber activity and group your subscribers based on actions they take.
  • You can run A/B split tests to see which email subject line, content, and offers work best with your subscribers.
  • With reporting tools, you can see which country you have the most subscribers from. You can adjust your time zone preferences, and send emails at the right time.
  • Last, but definitely the most important, you can see the email addresses of all your subscribers.


There are hundreds of professional email marketing services available. To make it easy for you, we have compiled a list of the top email marketing services based on ease of use, cost-effectiveness, features, and performance.

For small businesses, we recommend using Aweber because they are one of the largest email marketing services in the world.

They offer a 30-day free trial. This gives you plenty of time to set up and start seeing the results. At the end of 30 days, your email list would likely be paying for itself (cost $20 / month). Start your free trial.

Why Building an Email List
Why Building an Email List

If you’re looking for something more advanced that includes powerful marketing automation, then we recommend using  Aweber, or MailPoet. They are both very popular among business owners, and they come with free trials as well.

Once you have signed up with an email marketing service, the next step is to add opt-in forms to your website to allow your users to subscribe.


Growing Your Email List and Getting More Subscribers

Did you recognize that quite 70% of tourists abandoning your website will never return? It’s true, just look in your Google Analytics and appearance at the share of latest vs returning visitors.

That’s why you would like to convert every website visitor into an email subscriber before they leave, so you’ll send them relevant messages to bring them back.

An average internet user spends just a couple of seconds watching an internet site . this provides you little or no time to interact them. If your email sign-up forms aren’t noticeable, then users will leave without ever subscribing to your website.

The biggest mistake that we see beginners make isn’t strategically placing high-converting opt-in forms.

Some WordPress themes accompany built-in sidebar widgets, but they don’t convert also.

Your email marketing service can also provide you with codes to embed in your theme, but that needs you to understand the way to code.

This is why we recommend our users to use OptinMonster. it’s the foremost powerful conversion optimization software that helps you change abandoning website visitors into subscribers and customers.

Instead of adding boring sign-up forms to your sidebar, you’ll easily create high-converting opt-in forms like lightbox popups, floating header and footer bars, slide-in scroll boxes, fullscreen doormat , inline forms, and more.

Why Building an Email List
Why Building an Email List


But what makes OptinMonster really powerful is that the behavior automation and personalization features.

OptinMonster allows you to automatically show different opt-in forms supported where the user is coming from, which page they’re visiting, and what they’re doing on your website.

For illustration, the Exit- Intent ® fingerprint tracks your doper’s mouse comportment and shows them a targeted determine-in form at the precise moment they’re about to leave. This helps you convert abandoning frequenters into subscribers.

That’s why influencers like Michael Hyatt, Neil Patel, and Social Media Examiner use exit-intent on their websites. It helped Social Media Examiner add over 95,000 new subscribers in 7 months.

Nicolas Gagne, a small business owner, combined Aweber with a single exit-intent optin to grow his email list by 500%. This helped him triple his revenue from his online store.

There are tons more case studies and OptinMonster reviews that you can read as well.



Note: OptinMonster was started by WPBeginner’s founder, Syed Balkhi, because he wanted to get more email subscribers, faster. It helped us increase our email signups by 600%. Due to popular requests, we released this tool for the public, and currently, it’s the most recommended lead generation software in the market.


Fro from OptinMonster, another tool you can use to fast grow your communication list and social media followers together is by using a viral giveaway plugin like RafflePress.

It allows you to use handsels to turn your website guests into brand legates. As a result, you get fresh marketplace, epistle subscribers, and social media engagement without buying any paid notices.

Give it a shot.

List Building Strategies and Resources

Having the right tools is crucial, but knowing how to use them properly is what makes the most difference.
In your email marketing strategy, the most important thing you should plan out is segmentation.

What is email list segmentation?

Email list segmentation is the process of grouping your subscribers, so you can better personalize your emails based on interest.

It helps you get higher open rates and click-through rates. This definitive guide to email marketing has all the information you need to segment your email list like a pro.

If you want to start growing your email list quickly, then see our tested and easy tricks to grow your email list faster.

If you’re not sure how to create an opt-in form, then see this 63-point checklist for creating a high-converting opt-in form.

Content Upgrades are the highest converting opt-in forms. It’s a technique where you offer bonus content at the end of your popular blog posts.

These usually convert 5 times higher than a regular opt-in. Here are some content upgrade ideas that you should check out. We have a complete guide on how to effectively use content upgrades in WordPress.

There are a lot of different ways to capture email leads, and we have covered them in detail in our beginner’s guide to lead generation in WordPress.



It doesn’t count what kind of business you run, what kind of website you have, or what assiduity you’re in.

Notwithstanding, and you want to turn your callers into returning accounts, either you need to get them in your card list, If you have a website.

We hope this composition helped you understand why confecting a card list is important and helped you get started on the right base.

You may also want to see our guard on how to add web movement releases to your website.

This is another way to connect with visitants after they leave your website, and we recommend running it in meeting with an encyclical list for maximum results.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Instagram and Facebook.

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