Sucuri vs CloudFlare (Pros and Cons) – Which One is Better?

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Sucuri vs Cloudflare with pros and cons to hunt out out which one is best.

Due to an increased emphasis on website security in today’s digital landscape, one among the foremost common requests we’ve gotten from readers is to try to to a pros and cons analysis of Sucuri vs CloudFlare to elucidate which one is best . Sucuri and CloudFlare are online services that provide website firewall, CDN, and DDoS protection services. In this article, we’ll compare Sucuri vs Cloudflare with pros and cons to hunt out out which one is best.

Sucuri vs CloudFlare (Pros and Cons)

Even the foremost secure websites on the web are susceptible to distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS), hacking attempts, and malware injection.

As a WordPress site owner, you’ll use some security best practices like password-protecting the admin directory, limiting login attempts, adding two-factor authentication, etc.

However, the following pointers only work on the software level which leaves your website mostly hospitable to other sorts of attacks. These attacks can cause financial damage, data loss, poor search rankings, and bad user experience.

Sucuri and CloudFlare offer a website application firewall (WAF).

This means that each one of your website’s traffic goes through their server scanners. If an invitation looks malicious, then the firewall would block it before it even reaches your website.

On the surface, these two services look nearly identical, but there are some key differences.

In this comparison, we’ll focus on:

  • Features
  • Pricing
  • Malware Removal Service

By the end, you’ll know exactly which platform is best for you.

Ready? Let’s compare Sucuri vs Cloudflare.

Sucuri vs CloudFlare


In this section, we will look at the features offered by Sucuri and CloudFlare.

It’s important to note that both services offer different plans that come with different set of features.

As a user, make sure you’re not a victim of their marketing site because not all plans come with all the features.

CloudFlare Features

Cloudflare is best known for its free CDN service. They consider mitigating DDOS attacks using their Website Application Firewall product. Cloudflare keeps your site available to users during an attack or under heavy traffic when your server isn’t responsive.

Their website firewall blocks suspicious traffic before it even reaches your website. The firewall also extends to form submissions which protect your website from comment spam and registration spam.


CloudFlare website firewall


Cloudflare also offers free and custom SSL certificates with all their plans. Free and Pro plans only allow you to use Cloudflare issued certificates. For custom certificates, you will need to upgrade to their Business or Enterprise plan.

While Cloudflare offers a free option that has CDN, most other features including their Website Application Firewall require a paid plan.

Cloudflare doesn’t offer a server scanning service to detect malware. It also doesn’t offer a malware removal guarantee if you were to be hacked on their watch.


Sucuri Features

Sucuri is one of the foremost reputable website security and monitoring services. They offer comprehensive website monitoring, scanning for malware, DDoS protection, and malware removal services.

Sucuri offers CloudProxy, a website firewall, and a load balancing service. It blocks suspicious traffic from reaching your website by effectively blocking DDoS attacks, code injection, bad bots, and other website threats.

Sucuri offers integration with the free Let’s Encrypt SSL for his or her basic plan. You can also use custom SSL certificates with their professional and business plans.

Sucuri CloudProxy

Sucuri scans your website regularly for file changes, code injection, and malware. They clean up hacked sites, with support for all popular CMS software like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.

Winner: Sucuri is a clear winner because they offer a better combination of tools and services (Website Firewall + Load Balancing + Malware Cleanup / Hack Repair).



Pricing is an important factor for many small businesses.

Here, we will compare the different pricing plans offered by CloudFlare and Sucuri, so you know exactly what you’re getting for your money.

FREE is not always better :)


CloudFlare Pricing Plans

Cloudflare offers a free CDN service for all. They don’t charge you for the bandwidth which suggests you’ll be ready to use their free CDN no matter your traffic volume.

However, this free plan does not come with a website application firewall. Your website may benefit from CDN, but it will not be properly protected against DDoS attacks, spam, bad traffic, etc.

For their web application firewall, you would like the professional plan which costs $20 / month (this is what you would like for improved security).

This pro plan doesn’t include advanced DDoS mitigation and custom SSL. For those features, you’ll need their Business plan which costs $200 per month.


Sucuri Pricing Plans

Unlike Cloudflare, Sucuri doesn’t offer a free plan. Their website security stack plan starts at $199.99 for a year, which is cheaper than CloudFlare’s Pro plan.

This basic plan includes full website monitoring, website application firewall, DDoS protection, malware removal, and a free LetsEncrypt SSL certificate.

Instead of excluding features from lower-level plans, Sucuri uses priority as an incentive for their higher-paying plans.

For example, malware removal estimated time for the essential plan is 12 hours, 6 hours for the professional plan, and 4 hours for the business plan. However, the particular cleanup timings are way faster than those for all customers.

They offer 24/7 support as a part of all plans. Their business plan subscribers also can use Live Chat support.


Winner: Sucuri is an obvious choice for small businesses when it comes to pricing. Cloudflare Pro costs $240 / year vs Sucuri costs $199 / year and offers more features. To unlock the same features, you’d have moved up to CloudFlare’s $2400 / year plan. Sucuri’s most expensive plan is at $499 / year.


Malware Removal Service

Apart from denial of service attacks, malware and code injections are the foremost common threats faced by WordPress site owners.

Let’s see how both services protect your website against those common threats.


Website security and malware removal



Cloudflare – Security and Malware Removal

Cloudflare’s free version is essentially a content delivery network that helps make your website fast.
The website security firewall comes with their paid plan. It includes CloudFlare’s ready-to-use custom rules set. These rules protect your site from common code injection hacks, XSS JavaScript exploits, and form submissions.

However, they are doing not offer file change detection, malware scanning, blacklist monitoring, and lots of other security measures. You can add third-party apps for malware scanning, but these services will cost you additional fees.

Sucuri – Security and Malware Removal

Sucuri is a security-focused company. They concentrate on monitoring websites and protecting them against malware and other attacks.

Sucuri’s website application firewall protects you against DDOS, SQL injections, XSS JavaScript injections, comments, and get in touch with form spam.

However, if something crosses all those security barriers and somehow reaches your website, then Sucuri offers to wash up your website (for free).

If you already have a website affected by malware, then Sucuri will clean that up as well.

Winner: Sucuri – For combining website application firewall with monitoring, malware protection, and clean-up services.


Cloudflare and Sucuri both offer protection against DDoS attacks on your website. Cloudflare does a touch better within the content delivery network area.

Sucuri fares better within the overall features, better security monitoring, and lower prices. If you’re employing a CMS like WordPress, then Sucuri is what you would like.

We hope this text helped you compare the pros and cons of Sucuri vs Cloudflare. You may also want to ascertain our list of the 7 best WordPress backup plugins.

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