Local search ranking factors

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local search ranking factors survey is now out, it is a survey of what local SEO experts rank the most important ranking factors are for both ranking in the Google local pack and also in the Google organic local results.

Local search ranking factors

Local search ranking factors

More survey details.  Whitespark questioned 44 distinct local SEO specialists for this survey, which it carried out. In order of significance for both the local pack and organic ranks, it asked these local SEO specialists to evaluate 149 potential local search ranking criteria.

Local pack factors. The local pack findings showed that these were ranked the most important ranking factors for Google’s local pack:

  • Primary Google Business Profile Category
  • Keywords in your Google Business Profile title/name (which may be against the Google guidelines)
  • Proximity of address to the point of search
  • Physical address in the city of search
  • Removal of spam listings through spam preventative mechanisms
  • High numerical Google ratings
  • Additional Google Business Profile categories
  • Verification in Google Business Profiles
  • and more

Local organic factors. The local organic ranking factors showed these were ranked the most important ranking factors for Google’s local pack:

  • Dedicated page for each service
  • Internal linking across a website
  • Quality and authority of inbound links to the domain name
  • Geographic keyword relevance of domain content
  • Keywords in Google Business Profile landing page title
  • Quantity of inbound links to the domain from locally relevant domains
  • Topical keyword relevance across the entire website
  • Volume of quality content on the service page
  • and more

Disclaimer. Studies on search ranking factors can and sometimes have generated considerable controversy. In this study, local SEOs were asked to rank the elements they believed to be most crucial to performing well in Google’s local search results. So keep everything in mind and be sure to read the study completely before taking the results at face value.

Why we care. Going through a poll like this may help you consider areas that you may not have previously considered, even though there may be considerable discussion among SEOs and local SEOs about what are the most essential ranking variables. So read it and see if you can think of any fresh ideas to use for your clientele.

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