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How to Become an Affiliate of Amazon in 2024

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How to Become an Affiliate of Amazon in 2024.  Before the pandemic, many were already looking for methods to increase their income. You can do this by starting a side business, and some side businesses, like affiliate marketing, can even provide passive income. Nothing compares to Amazon Associates in affiliate marketing.

How to Become an Affiliate of Amazon

Step Up Your Amazon Associates Game For 2024:

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What is Amazon Associates?

As the largest online retailer, Amazon has over 12 million products and sells an average of $17 million every hour, resulting in net revenue of $386.06 billion in 2020.

But the firm isn’t the only one becoming rich. The market share of affiliate marketers on the website is about 45%. It is also one of the most extensive affiliate networks in the world with over 900,000 members.

Amazon AssociatesBy promoting Amazon products, content producers, bloggers, and marketers can earn money from the traffic to their websites.

It costs nothing to join the program. If a potential customer clicks on the Amazon link on your website and buys the product, you will be paid a commission. The commission varies by product category and is between 1% and 20%.

The Amazon affiliate program is perfect for established bloggers, influencers, and content producers, but it’s also an excellent place for novice affiliate marketers to start. There are numerous possibilities available due to the site’s extensive product selection.

How Does Amazon Associates Work?

Using a special product link, you can advertise select Amazon products to your intended audience through the Amazon affiliate program. Customers who click the link will be taken to that product on You will be paid a commission if they purchase within 24 hours. This charge varies depending on the type of goods and is based on a percentage of the purchase price.

You can advertise select Amazon products to your intended audience using a particular product link through the Amazon affiliate program. Customers who click the link will be taken to that product on You will be paid a commission if they purchase within 24 hours. This charge varies depending on the type of goods and is based on a percentage of the purchase price.

When a customer clicks on your link to go to Amazon, they occasionally add an item to their shopping cart before checking out but never really make a purchase. You will still be compensated for the recommendation even if the customer abandons their cart before the order expires (often after 90 days). Only once the buyer purchases the item, accepts delivery, and fully reimburses Amazon will the reward appear on your account.

How Much Can Affiliates Earn with the Program?

Your income will be impacted by the size and level of interaction of your audience, your content, and your online marketing initiatives. $55,434 is the typical annual salary for an Amazon affiliate marketer. Even though recent statistics suggest affiliate marketers can make less than $20,000 a year, some associate marketers earn millions of dollars in a single year.

Naturally, your compensation will be lower if you’re just starting, but since the average pay range for Amazon Associates varies greatly, you’ll still have plenty of opportunity to increase your Amazon affiliate money over time.

To determine how much money you may generate from your marketing efforts, find out more about the commission rates for each category of products. Your earnings as an Amazon affiliate will be impacted by your commission rate, but it’s also critical to consider your conversion rate. This demonstrates the number of customers who click the link and purchase the item.

Who is Eligible to be an Amazon Affiliate?

Affiliates from all around the world are welcome at Amazon. To join, there is no registration charge, and there is no quota that must be met to receive commissions. Once Amazon accepts your application to become an affiliate, you may start promoting your products right away.

Simply find a suitable platform to advertise Amazon’s goods and services.


The most popular platform for promoting Amazon goods is a website like a blog. Your blog needs to have a sufficient number of original posts—at least ten—to be eligible. A minimum of two months should have passed since the most recent entry. Your material most essential must NOT:

  • Infringe on intellectual property rights
  • Contain sexually explicit materials
  • Incite violence or criminal activities
  • Display discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, and age

Social media

Your social media profile must be active and have at least 500 genuine organic followers. The Amazon affiliate program permits advertisements on:

  • Facebook (must be a business or a public group page)
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Twitch. tv


If your mobile app satisfies Amazon’s requirements, you can also submit an application using it. Your app needs to:

  • Be available for free on Amazon, Apple, and Google Play stores
  • Contain original content
  • Differ from Amazon’s shopping app
  • Not have price tracking features

What is the Application Process to Be an Amazon Affiliate?

You require an Associates account if you wish to market on Amazon as an associate. Here is a step-by-step guide to get you going.

  • Go to Amazon Associates.

Click “Sign Up.” You may log in with your existing account if you already have one.

  • Fill out your account details.

This contains fundamental details like your name, address, and phone number.

  • Enter the URL(s) of your website(s), social media channels, and apps.

Include each URL for your website. Amazon permits up to 50 websites or mobile applications, which is helpful for marketing products across different geographies.

  • Choose a store ID.

This is similar to the name of your primary website. 

  • Describe how you get people to visit your site.

Describe the methods you use to drive traffic to your blog. Describe your link-building strategy and how you monetize your marketing efforts.

  • Decide on a payment.


Specify your tax ID and payment information. Additional payment information may be added at a later time. Go back to your dashboard and input the 4-digit PIN that Amazon gave.

I’m done now. All that’s left to do is wait for Amazon to accept your application. If your website satisfies the requirements and you accurately complete all required fields, you should soon be admitted into the program.

You can access your Amazon Associates page once you’ve been approved. You can examine more thorough details like monthly summaries and commission overviews through the dashboard. You can now begin generating affiliate links.

You must go through the registration process again for each Amazon region if you wish to apply. For instance, you must sign up for the Amazon Associates program on and, respectively, if you plan to advertise products on in the US and UK.

How Do You Create Amazon Affiliate Links?

Amazon has stringent rules in place for affiliate links. The website provides a variety of product-linking solutions to help affiliates.

Product Link Tool

You can create text or image links using this tool.

  1. Click on the Product Linking tab on your Associates Central dashboard.
  2. Choose “Product Links” from the menu.
  3. Assign each item an ASID (Amazon Standard Identification Number).
  4. Click the “Go” button to get a new affiliate link.
  5. Click “Get link” to create an image-only URL and other options.


Making eye-catching banners to advertise Amazon products and deals is the sole purpose of this tool.

  1. Open the Product Linking drop-down menu.
  2. Click the “Banner Creation Tool” button.
  3. Choose from an extensive range of banners organized by size and genre.


Site Stripe

Since it allows affiliates to create links right from an Amazon website, many Amazon affiliate marketers believe that the Site Stripe is the most user-friendly tool in this toolset.

  1. Go to Associates Central.
  2. Choose “Site Stripe” from Tools.
  3. Read the brief description before clicking the “Learn More” button to unlock the display settings window.
  4. Toggle the switch to “Enable.”

A specific FAQ page on link building is provided by Amazon. Once you have the photos and affiliate links, you may use them in your marketing campaigns.

What Are the Amazon Associates Guidelines?

You must abide by the Associate’s Programme Policies to keep your status as an associate. Six categories make up the operational parameters. Even though it’s a lengthy read, being aware of the guidelines will help you avoid breaking any of the restrictions, which could result in Amazon closing your account.

There are many laws to abide by, but these are the fundamentals to remember:

Make three sales in six months to avoid account deactivation.

When your website already receives regular traffic, it would be preferable to apply to become an Amazon affiliate. Otherwise, it can be difficult to hit the target.

You can reapply if your initial effort at Amazon Associates is unsuccessful. Just be careful to avoid violating Amazon’s policies by placing orders through your affiliate link, which will result in account suspension.

Put a prominent Amazon affiliate disclosure.

Affiliates of Amazon Associates are required to disclose the relationship on their websites. These disclosures are required by the Federal Trade Commission. Thus, it’s essential to provide a disclaimer. Make sure it is simple to read and comprehend. Amazon accepts the following straightforward disclaimer to make things even simpler for associates: “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”

Avoid masking Amazon affiliate links.

Link masking is not allowed on Amazon since the company emphasizes transparency. If the only purpose of employing a URL shortener is readability, you are doing yourself a disservice. Disable cloaking in the plugin’s settings if you use it to automatically insert affiliate links into your content.

Stay clear from pricing promotional products.

Specific price for promotional products is not permitted by Amazon. Since prices fluctuate frequently, it seems sense that the online shop doesn’t want its affiliates to unintentionally disseminate misleading information.

There is a workaround for this rule—use a price reference. Use $, $$, and $$$, respectively, for inexpensive items, medium-priced items, and pricey ones. The use of the Amazon Associates API, which updates the price in real-time whenever it changes on Amazon, is another good solution.

Avoid self-hosting product images downloaded from Amazon.

You cannot host a product image that you have downloaded directly from Amazon on your server. However, as long as the image loads from Amazon’s servers, you can use the image on your marketing platforms if you create an image and link straight from the site or use the API.

Although you are allowed to use your photos, you are not permitted to directly connect to them using an affiliate link. Instead, place a customized button next to the picture that contains your Amazon affiliate link.

Use caution when including affiliate links.

Amazon forbids the use of its affiliate links on a variety of marketing materials, including emails, eBooks, PDFs, and private Facebook groups as well as printed marketing materials.

How Can You Improve Your Amazon Affiliate Marketing Strategies?

Amazon forbids the use of its affiliate links on a variety of marketing materials, including emails, eBooks, PDFs, and private Facebook groups as well as printed marketing materials.

An element of affiliate marketing involves math. For real conversions, you need a sizable amount of website traffic and following. You can use the following advice to succeed as an Amazon affiliate marketer:

Pick a niche

Your success as an Amazon Associate will depend on the specialization or specialty you select. If you already have a website or blog, this approach will be simpler for you. The products you connect will undoubtedly be associated with your niche.

Focus on a topic you are passionate about for new affiliates because you will talk about it a lot. This enables you to naturally incorporate product links without coming out as overly commercial.

Create unique content for different platforms

You must offer distinctive, top-notch content to help you stand out, create credibility, and gain the trust of your target audience. Distribute your material across a variety of platforms to take it to the next level. It’s possible to blog about your area of expertise and then expand on it on YouTube.

Do product reviews and comparisons

Your ability to naturally incorporate Amazon affiliate links into your content by writing product evaluations and comparisons is a terrific strategy to increase the traffic to those connections. Reviews benefit from being high-intent content because the reader is probably just one step away from making a purchase.

However, there are additional options to include affiliate links when you compare products. Additionally, you provide your reader’s options, so everyone benefits.

Deliver content consistently

Keep your social media and blog active. Update your platforms frequently, but only with good content. When blogs are well-researched and have substance, posting them twice a month is preferable to posting once a week with light content.

Use a content marketing strategy and good SEO techniques to help you create informative, engaging blog entries.

Ready to start as an Amazon Associate?

Your affiliate marketing career might get off to a terrific start with the Amazon Associates program. To join up to be an Associate, all you need is a website, a social network account, or an app. You can start using Amazon once your application has been approved.

The Amazon affiliate marketing program might significantly assist you in generating extra cash if affiliate marketing appeals to you as a potential side business. If you select a topic, produce high-quality material about it, naturally, integrate your Amazon affiliate links, and abide by Amazon Associates standards, your income will improve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Amazon affiliates get paid $100 to $20,000 in the Amazon affiliates program on average. The payments will depend on how many referrals you generate for Amazon. The Amazon affiliates program runs on a commission basis, which means you make a percentage of every sale you commission.

Amazon has fixed standard commission income rates for specific products. The percentage you get as an Amazon affiliate will depend on the product. For example, shoes, handbags, and accessories will get you a 4% commission, while Amazon games will get you a 20% commission.

Their affiliate marketing program, Amazon Associates, is free to join and simple to utilize. Influencers, bloggers, and others can build links through the Amazon affiliate program and receive commissions when customers use those connections to make purchases.

The affiliate marketing program offered by Amazon called Amazon Associates enables bloggers, website owners, and other content producers to monetize their visitors. Associates can use Amazon’s link-building resources to point viewers in the direction of their suggestions. They receive a commission each time someone purchases a product via their link.

Based on clicks that result in an Amazon sale within 24 hours, Amazon affiliate pays commissions. Thus, Amazon affiliates are required to use the Amazon affiliate link. Depending on the different product categories, the commission charge structure ranges from 1% to 20%.

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